I know, I know, you've already seen this shot. We asked someone to take this one.
But these next two were grabbed from the
Mantra Yoga + Health Magazine Facebook page
Cool, right?
But what
ARE we doing with Michael Franti in our yoga gear?
Well, yoga, of course. He played throughout the entire hour class -- it was not your everyday yoga class. It was better, even if it was in a weird university campus ballroom with super bright lights shining down from the ceiling like blinding orbs.
After class we had ourselves a proper tailgate party. Yeah, yeah, some of the other event-goers may have opted to venture out of the parking garage to a nice nearby grassy area for more of a pretty picnic scene, but we were all about saving time.
We didn't want to miss this guy. (Or Bill at the trolly.)
Yes, Trevor
AGAIN! Three times in a week! (Remember how close we were
last time, behind the elephant?)
Well pretty much the same same this time. Yes, the seats below are our bonafide seats, 2nd row, completely center. Poor Trevor had to deal with his middle-aged women groupies up close and personal yet again!
Poor dear.
Note: Girl on my left. Standing and grooving to Trevor. |
We had good friends just a few rows back. Hi Jo, Hi Lauri! |
Trevor's set was ridiculously short, so we headed up for some refreshments after. We managed to miss Brett Dennon, which didn't break my heart. But we filed back down as the sun was setting to check out SOJA.
Please look at this in it's full size. As Carlee pointed out, his hair is completely gravity defying! |
I liked SOJA, I think Jacquie and Carlee would concur.
Yes, we liked them! With the exception of this guy.
He scared us. Clearly. |
But he faded into the background as SOJA welcomed Trevor to the stage.
And Michael too
Pretty rocking dreadlock trio.
Oh dear, but meanwhile, back in row 2, our formerly grooving drunk neighbor was down.
And farther down.
Security came and roused her, and once conscious she proceeded to place another woman's purse inside her purse. When the red coats came back for that infraction, she would not open the purse. I urged her to do so, even kind-of grabbed her purse and told her to just let them see, that if she did so, and she was innocent like she claimed, they'd leave her alone. She could stay and see Franti. Alas, she was NOT into it, so I went back to what I had been doing all evening. Enjoying the music.
Carlee, bless her heart, witnessed the theft, and went up with the red coats to sort things out. Turns out my neighbor did have the purse, but charges were not pressed. However, we didn't see her back in row 2 again....
But the show went on, as shows will do.
Franti was upbeat, positive, and playful as usual.
And later super sweet and slow here singing with his son.
After the show, Mr. Can, aka, Bill, had words for J Boggie.
I may not have been able to understand what Bill was talking about, but J Boogie seemed to.
They even did the bro shake. |
Not a bad way to spend a Sunday, not bad at all. We could all always use a little soul shine, right?