Monday, January 21, 2013

I had to look for my shades . . .

The sun skipped town for a week or so, and when it came back out? Well, I had to search for my sunglasses.

And when I found them? To Ocean Beach Mistah and I went.

I know it's OB East . . .

. . . and I know it's winter . . .

. . . but it's still espectacular . . .

. . . I mean, just look what one finds at the end of the jetty.

Mistah captions this: "Oh hi Ledgie. Oh how I love you, Ledgie."

Oh, how I do.

If it has to be wintertime . . .

. . . well, the beach is a good place to experience it . . .

. . . especially this beach . . .

But still? Yes, I'm looking forward to it, too . . .

"See you in shummertime, schweetheart."


julie said...

you're rocking that red coat against the blue backdrop, sistah.

Noelle said...

Great shots! You are a brave soul! I read a statistic once that the most sunglasses in the US are sold in Seattle. I thought "How can that be? Isn't it always cloudy and rainy there?" Went on to find out that because the sun shines so infrequently....people have to keep buying new ones because they lose them so often! Here comes the sun ( and cold for now!)

mom said...

lovely Ellie, mom

Beth said...

Oh, Ellie, always so nice to SEE you ;)

And, wow, I want me one of those cute red jackets! Love it!

And winter, well, it's hard, but I agree, if it's going to be winter anyway, you may as well be at the beach. (OB West is gorgous today!!)


Me, You, or Ellie said...

oh my gosh, I forgot that yesterday wasn't the weekend! what a treat to have TWO posts to peruse this Tuesday morning. Love this, El! What a pretty day. I have the same red coat, natch. I like it because it bunches up really small when the sun comes out :)

