Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just Look

There was no Blondetourage, and there was no High Drama, but there was Bisque Fest, 2013 version, and it was A Time.

I mean, seriously. Just *look* at the setting . . .

. . . and *look* at all the peeps . . .

Just *look* at the raw bar . . .

. . . and *look* at the behind-the-scenes scene.

. . . *look* at the hipsters . . .

. . . *look* at the clouds . . .

Just *look* at Young Mistah Schleckah . . .

. . . *look* at our friends . . .

. . . and *look* at the boats . . .

Just *look*.


Me, You, or Ellie said...

lovely, lovely. I looked at other stuff too, ya know. Like the sunglass graveyard in photo 1... and the grumpy girl in blue in photo 2, unnecessary squatting in photo 4, and of course the real star of photo 7... Quinault the camping BEAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!

I'm starving.


Beth said...

Ha! The unnecessary squatting caught my eye too! As did the Westy! I feel as though I have not seen that ol' girl out and about in ages!!

Oh, and yeah, the raw bar. Wow! New England does have its perks ;)


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Aw, I love it. Good eye, you two. It's that weird, ancillary stuff that I love in photos like that. Screw the sunset, look at the grumpy girl! Because, you know, why would you be having *fun* at an event like that??


mom said...

you guys really check out the photos, me I checked out the raw bar - yum... xo mom

unmitigated me said...

How in the world do you NOT spend every ever-lovin' minute of your lives within a few feet of that gorgeous harbor?

unmitigated me said...

And I saw Westy and the Unnecessary Squat. That would be a great name for a band.