Wednesday, November 27, 2013

World Famous Garlic and Gorgonzola Smashed Red Potatoes . . ..

. . . and equally famous, yet not as exuberantly named, smashed turnips. That's what we're bringing for Thanksgiving.

Want to know how it's done? I don't blame you.

Chop red potaters. Duh.

Rinse and all that . . .

Turnips? Well, get a *really* sharp knife to cut away all the crap . . .

. . . then chop them too.

Aw, Schleckie-pie. . .

. . . how you do chop.

Me, I was in charge of garlic.

This helped.

So did this.

Back to the turnips.

From this . . .

. . . to this?


Oh, wait, I need to try it to make sure it's okay . . .

. . . mmmmmmmmmm.

Perfection. And evidence to the contrary, the potatoes are *not* green. I'll give you one guess about the identity of the photographer. Hint: it was not Mistah.

Oh, and what about *our* dinner, whilst we were cooking, you ask?

Oh, we're good.


Beth said...

Looks delish, but why yesterday? Why not prepare it today? Does it all gel together, and peak on day #2?

Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving full of sunlight, laughter, love and Champagne homerun derby (even though you won't be at home;)


Me, You, or Ellie said...

I find it ironic that you, the naysayer of all meals mushy, are providing these two dishes. I also love your voila recipes, we don need no stinkin detes.

Happy thanksgiving, my lovelies!

