Monday, October 24, 2016


We've had a bloom this year.

Maybe it was the lack of rain. Maybe because it was such a fantastic summer. Maybe it was because of all the love.

I don't know.

But the mushrooms are out, and they are plentiful.

I mean, these are in our yard . . .

. . . in our Field . . .

. . . they are everywhere.

Are they edible, you ask?

Well, we would very much like for you to come over to determine that for us.

We'll provide the garlic and the olive oil.

In the meantime, everything is changing. . .

. . . still growing . . .

. . . but metamorphosizing . . . 

. . . and being awesome.

I never used to like Fall because of the End Of Things, but now, well, what can you do?

Nuthin', that's what.

Oh look, a kitty-cat.

Oh look, a girlie-girl.

And her big brothers chasing her around . . .

Her young big brother was so excited about the gift he harvested for us:

Sha-rooms! I know; so thoughtful.

So cosmopolitan.

So potentially poisonous.

But don't worry, the kids ate very little of them. And I supervised the hand-washing.

But in the meantime . . .

I know I am always "but-in-the-meantime"-ing . . .

. . . but I have a lot to "but-in-the-meantime" about . . .

. . . because look at this . . .

. . . all of this.


  1. That's a mighty purdy field you've got there. Hey I a have a question....

    is anyone allergic to mushrooms?


  2. They're all over the place around here too. I wouldn't touch one if you paid me, lol.

