Monday, August 6, 2012

Gotchya Back

To get to The Tower, one walks. And when one walks in a group of colorfully clothed sister-friends-and-relations, one often finds oneself snapping photos . . .

. . . of said sister friends-and-relations' backsides.

I love the backside shot, personally.

. . . it's so full of life and energy.

. . . as are my sister-friend-peeps . . .

. . . with the boy-peeps in the lead.

Really. Could those backsides *be* more energetic and full of life?:

And then? Well, after the Tower visit, then one walks home.

Honestly, I could watch my peeps walk up and down the street all the livelong day . . .

. . . and I just might . . .

. . . especially these two . . .

They got a thing going on, these two . . .

. . . some serious Grammy love.


And in the meantime . . .

Is it possible? . . .

Oh yeah, baby. The world's most inappropriate aunt and uncle. Detes to come.*

*I hope.


Lisa S said...

Lovely post! I especially like that the average age of the ice cream truck patrons looks to be about 65.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Love all these photos so, so much. I miss you peeps.

ps: you betta believe it!


Beth said...

Oh my, I cannot wait for the detes!

I only hope we get to see some backside shots with ciggys out to the sides. Tell me that everyone smoked a few?


MB said...

Great photos yet again! And Milford's never looked better. xo

mom c said...

Where did everyone go??? I miss you all so much... love, mom