Monday, March 4, 2019

First Signs

The world, inexplicably, keeps on spinning.

And here in the absurd northeastern New England place, it's still winter.

But. Even though it's too early and the warm weather doesn't arrive until like mid-July . . .

. . . we have gotten our first, early, premature, too-soon Signs of Spring.

I mean, it's still Winter. And there is plenty of snow . . .

. . . and last night's six inches means all the kids and all the teachers will be hunkering down and building snow peeps instead of learning advanced algebra today . . .

. . . but yesterday was beautiful enough to walk through the 'hood and the Field . . .

. . . and it was quite lovely . . .

. . . and quite photogenic.

And although it's way too early in the season, some of the green was starting to pop out.

 And we saw it.

We have a long way to go, and last night's snow covered up all those First Signs . . .

. . . but if this world of ours *does* continue to keep spinning . . .

. . . we will gratefully take every one of those tiny glimpses of the first signs of Spring that this World deigns to gives us.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

I saw the first little green sprouts of crocus yesterday... just waiting to be covered by all that snow. It did cause my soul to feel hopeful that spring is around the corner! Thanks for your beautiful photo essay. And for the hope!