I work in a bar.
.I don't know if I've ever mentioned that.
.Have I ever mentioned that?

It's a really great place.
Really great. There are
so very many great things about it.
One great thing is the lighting.

The lighting in the Tavern is a great and glorious thing.

Another great thing about the Tavern? It's a great place to tell a story.

If you've got a tale to tell . . .

. . . if you've got some dirt to dish . . .
. . . if you've got the lowdown to unload . . .

And especially if your friend
Johnny Slips is in the equation? Well, the Tavern is the place for it.
"Okay let's get back to the story heah." (That's my Bayonne, New Jersey accent impersonation).
If you've got a tale to tell, and Johnny's in the house, and the sun is shining in, and you can sit down on the
other side of the bar to tell your tale? The Tavern's the place to be.
Is that a tin ceiling? I love tin ceilings. That alone might make it a great place to work. (beats acoustic tile)
Wait, you work in a bar? Who knew???
Seriously. If I were anywhere near, I would be a regular. And I don't even drink, hardly.
And don't forget the GREAT bar keeps!
You are so stinking adorable! I'd so love to sit at that bar and yak with you. I miss you, girlfriend! I wish I could see you, say... next WEEK?!!!
The Dutch is a lovely place, filled with lovely people! Though I think I'm gonna have to lay off the white wine and stick to beer.
The lighting in spectacular!
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