Yesterday Mistah said, "I've got to get out in the Field and take some photos of Fall Magic."
"I wish you would," I replied.
Fall Magic is right.
When I was younger . . . way way back many decades ago . . .
. . . I didn't like Fall because it was the end of Summer, and the beginning of Winter, and so
dry and blah-dee-la-blah-blah-blah.
But the thing about Fall?
Even if it's not my favorite season? . . .
. . . is that it is
*a* season.
And, ever-evolving as I am, it took me deep into my 50s . . .
. . . to figure out . . .
. . . well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out, thankfully . . .
. . . that during this short time on this Earth of ours . . .
. . . there is no good reason . . .
. . . to wish away one season . . .
. . . to get to another.
I know. I know! But it takes me a while to figure out stuff.
And this I learned:
It flies.
And because of this time-flying phenomenon, there is therefore only one thing to do at a time like this.
Jump on it, jump
in it, and enjoy the ride.