Monday, January 25, 2021


Oh that day. Oh that remarkable day. Oh that day of a New Beginning and a New Start and a New Administration and a new new New . . . 

. . . and a day of Color.

Oh, all the Color that day.

photo cred: stolen from internet

The Color that day! The women in color that day. The women of color in color that day. It's all just glorious and heartwarming and hopeful and beautiful.

You know what all that color reminds me of?

photo cred: Kat Murphy

These beauties.

Kat Murphy seems to have predicted the color scheme of the gorgeous powerful women on Inauguration Day. She's smart, that one.

And speaking of those colorful beauties . . . you know when they say watch this space?

I think they were talking about this space:

And I think they were talking about these gorgeous specimens . . . 


Bring it on.


Noelle said...

Oh what a day! May "color" become a word that we all embrace in all its expressions and beauty! My favorite response from little ones when asked their favorite color...."all of them!" May this be true for everyone!

mom said...

Beautiful post Ellie, love all the bright colors, on the women and on Kat's work...
love you...