Monday, January 11, 2021

The 2020 Look Back

I was thinking back on 2020 and all the good things that happened (hello, great-niece; hello, president-elect) and I wrote a quick intro about this photo and the day Jacquie and I took this selfie, and am just now realizing this was actually February not January. So. We're starting the 2020 Look Back with February:

This was not just one of my favorite days of January, er, February --  it was one of my favorite days of the year. During my quick jaunt to San Diego, after a busy, productive week with Jacquie, the only thing on the list on the steno pad for Sunday was "drink champagne."

And so we did. 

We sat in the sun and drank bubbly and sang loudly and quite well to all the music -- (it was only right before I left SD that Jacquie pointed out to me that the whole time I had been quite politely and sincerely asking Siri to play songs for us, I had been speaking to her into the stand-up fan) -- and we had no other plans and we were both in the moment and it was lovely.

And man, we sounded good.

January, you ask?

Ah, January

What I love most about this photo is the Polish pottery dish, which means the Mitchells were in the house. Which means The Mitchells were in the house. Incredibly hard to fathom now. They were in our house. Like in our actual house.


 March brought the early beginning of Spring, and March also brought the early beginning of . . . well, of the way things are now


April brought the onset of Mom visits and the orchid and puzzles and oxygen . . . I like all those things deeply.


May is about Mom. And beautiful beverages in the newly-spectacular weather.


June brought us a bundle of baby girl joy. Oh my stars in heaven that girl. Both of those girls. And the most beautiful and outrageous flowers. I can't even believe these flower photos.


Yummy July. Summer and Hydrangeas and grape leaves and the deep acceptance of current life and therefore . . . simplicity.


August was even more deep acceptance. And butterflies and strolling through and apparently a lot of drinks.


September is HabaƱero month around here. And the Equinox and -- you guessed it -- more of the same. Which worked out just fine for me.


In October we got away. We got away! On a Get-Away. Which still seems impossible to have pulled off. But pull it off we did. October was also about the night sky and the beautiful Birthday Girl and campfires.


In November a certain someone won the presidential election and is now going to save us all from the current madman-in-chief. 

But no pressure.

November was also the best Thanksgiving in the history of Delivery-'n'-Pick-up, and it's also when the colors in SECT change from vibrant to subdued. But man, still so beautiful.

And December is always always about remembering our boy. And will be forever. 

And about Christmas, and about the year of reading and turning on every light one can see. 

2020 was a year for the ages, truly. I'm grateful for my home and my Field and the weather and my Mistah and my gorgeous gorgeous peoples. 

Now, let's get down to this business of 2021.


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