Monday, January 10, 2022

The Things This Week

 Here are the things I have learned this week.

Smoked salmon with accouterment is always a delightful morning or lunchie time weekend snack.

So is roasted garlic. Always, eternally.

I look up words daily but this one? C'mon . . . 

. . . it sounds like a disease or a tech term. Really, it's a doily.

If I'm reading and don't have pen and paper because they are way far away on the other side of the room, I do this. Then never know why I did . . . 

Well, actually, in this case I do know why I did ... what a paragraph ...

. . . and in this case I definitely do know why I did. Poor Omicron Philips.

Obligatory winter photo. I learned this week that this never gets old ...

. . . neither do Kat Murphy birdies . . . 

. . . and neither do these two wee lovelies, everlasting eternally.

That is a lot of learning for one week.

1 comment:

julieCK said...

aw, i love the mish mash, especially my girls on the swing. Also the food. Also, I love you xoxo