This has become a catch phrase in our family, a line we use a lot, and it helps to ground us when we get too caught up in whatever it’s not about.
This year,
It began with the requisite ceremonial awakening and bestowing of gifts. I love the school-made gifts. I’ve collected quite a few over the years:
clockwise from top: last year's still life by my girl, the boy's puzzle frame circa 2006, heartbreakingly goofy framed photo of my boy in 2005, group project potted flower children, and a portrait of me done by my girl, featuring a photo of the artist at work
This year’s crop was the best yet. My girl, in second grade, still employs the crafty approach, and her creative spelling made the sentiments that much more endearing:
If you ever receive a card from someone in my family, the back will say: "You Rock"
In fourth grade, more finesse is required. My boy’s project was less craft, more composition.
My other request for my special morning was to enjoy fruit salad -which was lovingly and thoughtfully prepared last night - by me - before heading off to the gym.
Gym? check.
The overcast sky did not dampen my enthusiasm for the next leg of our quest toward mommypaloooza. The beach beckoned. My stipulations were that my husband drive (and park), and that we'd first grab a bite at our favorite oceanfront eatery. I'd had my eye on one of these:Have you ever seen anything more appealing? mmmmm. That's cranberry juice in there next to the champers. Lovely!
They tore it up out there
And that, my friends, is what it's all about.
As a mutha... You Rock! Happy Mother's Day (belated)
The Blue Ridge Gal
Ach, Jacquie. This makes my heart sing. In 3-part harmony.
I loved your reaction to that first utterance of "Uncle Bill says that's what it's all about" (which we remember as being uttered by your boy, but that's not important right now). You just shrugged your shoulders and said, "Well, who am I to argue with that?" and let them carry right on. Getting sandier and wetter....
I love the handmade cards, although, tragically, I can't enlarge your girl's card, or the montage of cards. Your boy's letter, though? Rocks.
As do you. What a great day!
Love you,
I love that you got just what you wanted on Mother's day. You are at one with the universe, no doubt.
And I love how you know what it's all about, and actually go with it. I know what it's all about, usually, but sometimes don't give into it....
Oh, and you do rock!
What a great day you had!! I miss San Diego!!
Momminess does have it's moments, doesn't it? Especially as they become more and more independent and you can clearly envision them leaping off the edge of that nest and having the whole thing to yourself to stretch out in.
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