I threw myself a little cocktail party downtown. I haven’t had a birthday party since I was about ten, I think. The partying started long before what you might consider a reasonable cocktail hour, so by the time Bill and I got dolled up and arrived at our venue, we were already all fired up.
I had a great time, because everywhere I looked I saw someone with whom I was desperate to converse and/or boogey

Poor Missy didn't have any fun at all.
I might be 40, but I am still totally immature enough to find my middle finger hilarious
exhibit A:
and why doesn't someone slap me? exhibit C:
In my hand above and being worshipped below is my passion and my undoing, the basil lemondrop

Please note the world's homliest Christmas tree in the corner. Charlie Brown has nothing on that bad boy.
Below is evidence of the fact that I acutally said “blah, blah, blah” during my drunken tirade gracious thank you speech. I was mocking anyone who couldn’t handle a Wednesday night party. Mocking and gratitude go hand in hand, right?
Shortly thereafter, I became cheerfully paralyzed from the brain down.

And when I finally fell into bed, some of my friends came with me. I was that magnetic.
So, forty.
So, forty.
When I was a kid, forty was so old, but we humans have obvioulsy evolved a great deal since I had that misconceived notion. If forty is old, why can't I put down Twilight? It says right there on the cover that it's for YOUNG ADULTS.
But seriously, enough already about me. Let’s talk about you.
But seriously, enough already about me. Let’s talk about you.
What do you think of me?
What do you think of me?
You funny. And sassy. Whew! You look gorgeous, sister. Smokin'.
I think you are fabulous. AND you have great legs.
Looks like a great time.
And you're partying 'tude?
... I think we may be related!
Ah, Jacquie, I think your fabulous and sassy AND smokin’, and that’s not just the basil lemon drops talking. What a good party, for such a great and YOUTHFUL woman! Good times.
I just have to point out that I was the photographer of at least four of the included photos, including the oh-so-cute-one of you and Bill and the terrific “blah, blah, blah” shot. (who needs Mistah anyway?)
Hey, and I just remembered that in the last photo I took of you, days before your party, you were flipping me off as well. Hmmmm…..
I think you look exactly like I did on my 40th birthday. GAWD, are we twins born 14 years apart or what? I think middle fingers are cool... they only have one job in life and that is to flip people off. We should all be so lucky to only have one job in life.
Happy decade of the 4's.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Jacquie you are sooooooooooooo freakin adorable and hilarious. 40 suits you!
Happy Birthday! Your day looked like so much fun! All those ladies in one bed? Every man's dream.
Happy Birthday! 40 is nothing. It's the new black.
Dude, you're gorgeous! Happy birthday, you sexy thang!
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