Everything started falling apart in June when Joe got a notice from the draft ordering him to active duty! He tried for deferments; he was now 34 years old with four children and the fifth on the way. We wrote to everyone right up to the President, but received the same standard replies – we need him. His orders arrived shortly thereafter – the address was APO
Mom had undergone an emergency c-section with her last baby (Julie has always been the difficult one), and with her due date just 2 months later, my parents knew that the next baby would also take the front door out of mom’s prolific womb. The c-section was scheduled for August 21st, Dad’s orders were to report to basic training on August 22nd. But the US Army is neither heartless nor rigid; of course they extended his deployment date! They gave him three weeks.
On September 12, 1967, Joe left for M.D. basic training in
Mom and Dad did their best to settle in to their newly massacred lives. Mom had lots of help from family and friends, Dad had 5 doctor roommates in his “hooch.” Mom and Dad sent each other audio tapes every day. Every. Day. If mom didn’t receive her tape one day, she’d haul everyone over to the post office to see if it had arrived after the postman had left to make his deliveries.
Aside: as kids, we had the scandalous pleasure of listening to some of these tapes many years later. But honestly, all that love and emotion between our parents was just plain gross.
On two distant ends of the earth, my parents were frantically searching for ways to be together. Mom wrote letters. Dad worked the system. There was housing available for dependents, but there was a strict hierarchy about who qualified, and our favorite young doc was relatively low on that totem pole. When a house did become available, first dibs went to all of the senior officers, who promptly turned it down. For them it meant prolonging their stay to two years in order to have their dependents join them, but for a career officer, this cushy 13 month “hardship tour” in
It was a golden opportunity for us – Joe volunteered to extend his tour and spend the two years of service there, and for this his entire family would be brought over! This sounds easy on paper, but it took months of letters, phone calls, anticipations, disappointments, and finally I received a telegram on a Saturday morning in February telling me that that we were on our way – start getting the inoculations! I started that very day – took everyone over to Dr. Flynn, our longtime pediatrician, where he started inoculating the girls against plague, cholera, typhus – you name it!
So, mom and the girls got ready to move to
When the day finally came, it turned out that the plan was off to a rocky start. Mom and the girls were scheduled to fly from JFK to
My Mom and family were weeping, Sitoo and Uffie (Joe’s mom and sister) were weeping, Dink Brown was weeping – I was grinning from ear to ear!
A motel in
Mom and the girls (ages: 6 months, 18 months, 4, 6, and 7… go ahead and imagine that) made lots of nice friends during these travels. For plane changes, anyone who was “helping” was allowed to pre-board with the civilians, so there were always at least ten soldiers at Mom’s beck and call. It wasn’t easy, but it was forward motion. And by the time they boarded a nearly empty flight from
Suddenly, they were descending! The five girls were in their little beds, there was stuff everywhere, it was cold out and they needed jackets and they probably all had to pee….
Meanwhile, on the ground, Dad was frantic. Communication had been shoddy, he had not received word that their flight had been delayed, so he didn’t know when they were coming. He had arranged for a car and driver and a truck and driver to transport his arriving harem and their impressive amount of gear, and he spent two days driving to Kimpo airport to meet each incoming plane from Seattle/Tokyo. Twice the caravan had to turn back disappointed. On the third attempt he asked to see the manifest and there it was: Corey, Corey, Corey, Corey, Corey, and Corey. They were here!
On the plane: The rules said that the civilians had to deplane first, so the servicemen were all standing by until Mom and the girls could get themselves out the door. “Can’t he come and help me?”
On the ground: Dad was in the hanger, pleading to be allowed onto the plane, but rules are rules…
On the plane: Ellie still needed to be buttoned into her coat, they were almost ready…
On the ground: Finally, a kind-hearted lieutenant gave Dad a nod and let him on the plane…
I looked up and there was Joe – I hadn’t seen him in four months! I left Ellie to finish buttoning her coat and ran into his arms. As we were kissing, I became aware of applause – all the servicemen on the plane were standing and cheering – what a scene!
Exactly 268 days later, mom learned how to play honeymoon bridge, and spent the whole day doing just that with her doctor at Seoul Military Hospital, while the big girls were at school and the little ones played at home in the pink stucco duplex by the golf course. Mom was Dr.
But could someone please check that math? I’m way too young to be forty.
Our two year stay in
Thanks for that, mom and dad. And for being enamored and tenacious enough to live out this story. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Happy 40th Jacquie! What a way to start the day -- weeping into my coffee cup.
Thank you so much for this. This is absolutely beautiful, and now the official document of this incredible piece of Corey history.
Nomemmer Nineteen!. Today! Have a fabulous party. I so wish I could be there. I'll be here, reading your blog, crying into my coffee-I-mean-wine instead.
I love you.
Wow is all I can say Jacquie! What a beautiful story to read on your birthday - thank you so much and have a wonderful day. I love you mom
Okay, I'm crying in my coffee, too. What a stunningly romantic story. Love you Coreys.
Happy Birthday, Jacquie!! You don't look a day older! Hope you have a great day.
Happy birthday! That is quite a story :-)
Happy birthday! What a great story!
And look at all those cute little girls! Your parents were like a Cute Girl Factory!
A cute girl factory, that's funny -- and true.
You said you had something special planned for your post today, and you certianly did not disappoint! What a great story of love, duty, family, and bravery. Reading those quotes from your mom were really powerful. Love you Coreys too.
Happy Birthday, sistah!! Here's to many, many, many more:-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And your mother is my hero. What a woman!!!
Happy 40th, Jacquie!
Happy Birthday and thanks for the treat of allowing us all in on this wonderful story. Six girls... how fabulous.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Oh man, what a story. Awesome. And that last photo is priceless.
I had to revisit again. I love how glamorous Mom is, and Dad with his ciggie-butt. And did you notice that extra set of feet behind Mom?
I just love this, Jacquie. You even got Mom to comment! She *is* after all one half of the "Cute Girl Factory."
What a perfect story for your birthday, Jacquie. I had heard bits and pieces before, but never got the whole "exciting" adventure before. Good God -- 5 kids, 7 and under on a plane for that long! I loved it! Have a great, whopping b-day celebration tonight!
Love, Megan
Happy birthday!! Just remember what Babe Ruth's famous saying was. Life doesn't start until your 40. Congrats!
Beautiful story and Happy 40th!! I remember the day all of you came back from Korea like it was yesterday. Matt, Mark and I spent most of the evening looking out the window at the end of our upstairs hall waiting for a car to pull in and all of you to tumble out. (That is to say nothing of our relief that we no longer had to kick the Skank boys out of your yard.)
Crap! I don't even know any of you and I'm crying into my wine! What a great story. And I hope your birthday was absolutely fantastic. You must
I love you, Jacquie. Happy birthday, girl. Brilliant piece; thank you for writing it for us. Add me to the ranks of weepy readers. I'm so proud and feel so blessed to be part of this amazing family. -Julie
sooooooooooooo beautifully done, Jacquie. Thank you for starting my day off on such an amazing, poignant, moving note. I love you and wish you a fabulous day. xoo Jane
What a fantastic story!
The way your parents behaved during your dad's depoloyment sounds similar to the way my wonderful devoted husband behaves now during his deployment to Iraq. He's ever-vigilant about trying to call, write emails, anything to stay in touch. And I'm sure if our kids could listen to taped phone conversations they'd be grossed out!
The love between your mother and father and thus the love of your entire family came through so strongly in your writing ... I too am weeping into my morning, er .. uh .. coffee (read: screwdriver)
Happy Belated Birthday.
Beautiful story.
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