Sisters and Sistahs
My girl has a brother, a relationship I’ve never known.
.Me? I’ve got sisters, and a boatload of 'em to boot.
.Me? I’ve got sisters, and a boatload of 'em to boot.
The six of us were born over eight years. Mnnnn hmmmm. Mom andDad kept trying and trying and trying and trying and trying until they got a good one. Then they sat back and saw that it was good. Or they sat back and said “holy shit, what have we done?!”
.We sisters live all over the country, from Manhatten to Chicago to New London to Asheville to San Diego to Des Plains. But we are in constant contact, we probably average about 10 e-mails per day, sometimes shockingly more. We write about our daily lives, news, politics, sports, plans, ups, and downs.
When we do get together, it is good.

Sure, there is drama – they can’t all be perfect like me. But we all really like each other and everyone is hilarious and smart and articulate and it’s just a good bunch of women to surround yourself with.
We sisters are always really sad and distant when we get together

hey wait a minute, I'm not even in this one! enough of this trying to represent everyone. I just need more photo ops with Ann and Julie and Jane. Or I need to quit my job and blog full time so I can spend my days searching for and scanning photos that equally represent my peeps. Who's hiring for that? I'm totally in..
I wish I had a sister who lived close enough to grab dinner with, or dump my kids with, or sit on the beach with. But the absence probably makes my heart grow fonder, because I am very very fond. Oh, I’m fond.
Thankfully, though I don’t always have my sisters with me, I do have my sistahs with me.
I go waaaay back with my sistahs Beth and Aline. It was so great to rekindle the fun last weekend
Thankfully, though I don’t always have my sisters with me, I do have my sistahs with me.
I go waaaay back with my sistahs Beth and Aline. It was so great to rekindle the fun last weekend
I like my sistah Beth so much I sometimes sleep with her

Is this photo less scary when it's teeny?.
I like my sistah Aline so much I sometimes dress up in Captain Morgan swag and strike poses at the racetrack with her
I like my sistah Aline so much I sometimes dress up in Captain Morgan swag and strike poses at the racetrack with her
nice dribble.
Here are my foxy sistahs Missy and Mary (hi Missy! hi Mary!)

Here's my sistah Autumn Sunshine, we're being very grown up and normal (and foxy) here
Here, this is more like it

My girl doesn't have any sisters, and (God willing), she never will. But she's got sistahs aplenty.

But I don't know, maybe there's something to be said for having a brother

Don't even get me started on my brothahs. That's a whole other post.
Do you have sisters? brothers? sistahs? brothahs? I love your stories almost as much as I love pasting my goofy-ass face all over the place. Tell.
Sigh. Love so much, Jacq. I had dinner at the beach last night with my friends Donna and Ginna. Sisters. I watched them telling a story at one point and was just consumed with jealousy! I miss you sisters who are also my sistahs. xoxoxox Jane
It must be hard to be without your sisters. I don't have toooo much sympathy because I don't even HAVE sisters. BUT, I do have sistahs! So great to hang out with you and Aline last night, J.
Best part? We get to do it again to night. But BIGGER and bettah! Love ya, sistah.
Have fun with your sistah, sister and sistah. What a long time sistah-hood you three have had!
Love youse.
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