Monday, November 11, 2019

Eleven Eleven

November 11. Today is Eleven Months. On Eleven Eleven.

Not one day goes by when we don't think about James . . .

. . . our New England November is very different from his ever was, that San Diego boy of ours . . .

. . . but as the year anniversary comes crushingly towards us, November on the East Coast *does*  reflect loss so viscerally . . .

. . . and obviously . . .

. . . and poignantly . . .

It's a heavy day, with a lot of loss and sorrow, but of movement forward too.

Thankful for the vets today, thankful for those who do good in this world, thankful we had that kid for the minuscule amount of time we had him.


Dawnie said...

Love to you and your family.

Noelle said...

Oh Ellie 😔 words but yours along with photos that capture the profound loss... and hope...❤️

mom said...

Lovely post Ellie, I love you...