Fun? Oh, we had fun . . .
We also had our camera, and took a boatload of photos . . .
The bands were rocking . . .
And the peeps were smiling. Here's Eddie . . .
. . . and John the Ice Cream Man.
Baby Ada.
The Pier . . .
Union Plaza . . .
Cute girl bands . . .
And street food . . .
And best of all . . .
Our own Dutch Tavern . . .
And the Westy, aka Sailfest Mobile Unit 1.
On Saturday . . .
. . . we went to the beach.
There were a half a million people -- and sea gulls -- there . . .
Montauk Market makes a mean grinder . . .
Dukie Diaper Baby joined in the fun . . .
Back at the Fest, these are the crowds the amateurs had to contend with.
And then, the moment we'd all been waiting for . . .
The Reducers took the stage.
New London's own, and America's Best Unsigned Band.
Sailfest also has famous boom-booms.
They're the second-biggest in the country, or something . . .
And they make great background for conversation with Michael and Elizabeth and Nancy (not My Girl Nancy, a new Nancy).
We went back downtown on Sunday, and ended up . . .

Guess where?

Oh, hello, Peter.
Here's my wee friend Sweet Jennie. I've got to find bigger peeps to hang out with . . .
Guess where?
Oh, hello, Peter.
Sailfest (east) looks, very, very fun. Sailfest west was, well, I didn't make it this year, Ellie.... But really now, it wouldn't even have come close, would it of?
Looks like a great time was had by all! Can't wait to see you guys
Sailfest was bigger and better this year fur sure! More on that in a sec. Seriously though! You guys need to find a better beach! The one in your pix was wall to wall crowd! Check out Guthrie Beach in front of the Lighthouse Inn. If anyone hassels you, tell 'em that you are guests of Randy and Carolyn. (fat lot of good the names will do ya. it's the authoritative tone of voice you use that matters)
But look out for the ghosts. The Lighthouse Inn is listed as one of the 10 most haunted hotels in America by the Learning Channel (an unquestionable authority on the subject). Those ghost stories would make a good blog topic! BTW, we are havig periodic guitar singalongs on Guthrie Beach this summer. Ellie, you play guitar right?
Funny thing about Sailfest though, despite the current booming popularity, a few years ago, it almost died out for lack of interest. The carny thing was about all there was to it. When I would ask my friends at work if they went, they would look at me funny and scoot chairs away from me at the lunch table. Getting all the local clubs and groups involved turned it around, though. Incredible bands this year (as many as 5 or 6 playing at different places at the same time). The "urban art" was my fav. Didja catch the wild banjo player at the Hygenic on Sunday? (me) Hey, great collection of pix BTW! Careful, though, about befriending "random guys" around New London! They may try to dump their trashy furniture on you!
If you published a picture-book, I would totally buy it.
Well, thank you! I'll tell Mistah Schleckah that. My husband -- who's been a newspaper reporter and freelance writer his whole life -- has quite an eye, I agree.
And nice to see you again, Randy. Yesterday at Ocean Beach and today online. We've been avid SailFesters for years, carny activity or not. For us it's about the peeps, and the music. Oh, and the booze.
I love the crowded OB beach scene. (And the Lighthouse Inn, for that matter. I love ghosts.)
And no. I am the only person in New London who is neither a musician or an artist.
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