Sometimes, you have a friend . . .
. . . like maybe this one.
She's a good one, too.
And sometimes, when a friend you've had forevah, and a friend you've had for just a few years, get together . . .
. . . well, it's like you've all known eachother forevah.
I don't know how it happens . . .
. . . and I don't know why . . .
. . . but really, who am I to ask why, anyway?
Sometimes it just is what it is. Sometimes, without any effort, it just happens. All by itself. Sometimes, it's just magic.
She's a good one.
And sometimes you have another friend . . . . . . say for instance, this one . . .


And the best kind of magic. *smiles
The Blue Ridge Gal
Awwwww... BIG HEARTS! Love you. xoxoxoxo
It is great to have friends. New and old.
Kat, I won't tell Nancy you called her old.
Lovely! :)
There's nothing like good girlfriends!
Awww, you kinda like your sistahs!
You're lucky to have friends like that.
My theory is that all the "right" people eventually end up meeting and hanging out.
I don't have a specific definition for right, some combination of like-minded, fun-loving, complementary personalities. Know what I mean???
That's the best thing evah! Great friends are the best
They're hard to come by, but when you find one or two, there's nothing better!
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