Monday, April 9, 2018

A Rose Is A . . .

We are trying, so desperately, to will good weather to these parts so we can do things . . .


Yard work and Field work and the Deck and the Beach and the Things.

All The Things.

But we don't worry. We don't get upset. We understand everything's alright, yes everything's fine. It's absurd to complain about the weather.

But for the Love of all that is Holy and True.

But no, we do not get upset. Because alright, fine, etc.

So what to do? What does one do? What can one do? One does the only thing one can do at a time like this. We had a one-minute window of it-not-being-freezing so I took away the dilapidated old rose trellis . . . 

. . . old rose trellises are complicated.

. . . old rose bushes are complicated.

I prevailed, though. Bye bye old trellis.
Hello, um, Spring.

Rose Bush, now it's your turn to shine.

 Show us all the love you've been showing us these past ten years.


JS said...

Ten years? Ten years?! Has it been ten years?!! I've been following your blog posts for more than ten years? I must be an old man by now. But I'm not as old as I look, only as old as I feel. Hmmm. Nice rose trellis, by the way.

Jacquie said...

You're so cute wrassling that unruly trellis thingamabobby! Can't wait for you to re-live the glory of summer, someday.

Love you sister
