With Mose we cooked everything on the open driftwood-fire.
Nights would get chilly, but we didn't care. We had a fire . . .
. . . and we had Big Brown.
One night, we read we were going to be graced with a Full Lunar Eclipse.
The smart peeps at NPR, reporting from the McDonald Observatory at Fort Davis, Texas, said that in the United States, the further west you could get, the better the viewing.
Since we were on the very edge of the North American continent, we figured we had a pretty good chance of a clear sighting.
. . . the ocean water down the cliff swirled . . .
. . . and the moon started rising . . .
. . . and rising . . .
. . . and rising . . .
. . . and rising. By definition, a Full Lunar Eclipse happens the night of a Full Moon, and with no ambient light for miles, that Full Moon Rising in Westort California was pretty spectacular.
We had a great time in camp that night, drinking and dancing and yakking and watching the moon and listening to the ocean. Oh and taking photos. Lots and lots of photos. This is Bill's money shot of Mose's camper. It's called SurrealEstate.
We went to sleep under that big fat full bright moon in our respective rigs, and set ouralarms cellphones for 4 a.m. When the beep scared us awake in the middle of the night, the first thing Bill said was, "It's dark! The sky must have clouded over!"
Not so. It was dark because the Full Moon was in Full Eclipse, and we 3 sat under it on our lounge chairs, with no fire, and watched that big orb -- what had looked like a flat disk earlier -- go through all the phases of its date with the shadow of the Earth.

Years later, just this past spring, we watched a Full Lunar Eclipse with Mom and Dad in Fort Davis, and Mom invented a new word for this phase, when the moon starts to come out of its full eclipse, and look like a boring old big fat full bright moon again: Declipse.
The smart peeps at NPR, reporting from the McDonald Observatory at Fort Davis, Texas, said that in the United States, the further west you could get, the better the viewing.
We went to sleep under that big fat full bright moon in our respective rigs, and set our
We went to bed feeling like we'd had a gift from the Heavens.
Bill got up to pee in the morning -- early, before the sun came up -- and that big fat full moon, after such a big night of it, was quietly about to set herself over the Pacific.
Moon set, people.
The next day we drove to Fort Bragg, CA for supplies, and some of the Eclipse photos printed at CVS. On the way back to Westport we stopped to buy firewood. We talked to the couple/owners about the Eclipse, showed them the photos, offered them one, and they were so touched by that -- by our giving them a 19¢ print -- that they opened up their garden to us.
That is a pretty good haul for 19¢.
That night we cooked our veggies, opened another bottle of wine, toasted the sky and the stars and that gorgeous, hard-working moon, and had our last night of raging campfire and philosophical meanderings with our new friend Mose, the crashing waves of the Mighty Pacific providing our background music. In the morning we packed up and said toodle-oo.
If only poor ol' Mose could do something about his drinking . . .
Sigh. What a fabulous stay.
Fantastic. What a beautiful place and it looks like a great experience.
Wow, what gorgeous photos! Sounds like a heavenly week to me.
All those photos are beautiful. What a fun time!
Again with the fabulous photos. I want to have your life!
Awesome, Ellie, just awesome. I think a lot of Mistah's photos posted today are money shots! (I mean one of those photos already fed you guys :-)
Nice post.
Too bad about Mose.
Holy Shrimp that's a lot of bottles!
Those photos are simply GORGEOUS. I am so envious. Really... want to come trade with me? You can be the frazzled housewife and I'll go on adventures in the Westy. Deal?
love the photos - esp of Ellie holding the basket of veggies. The chick on the raisin box has nothing on you. Seriously, can we trade places for a week - what beautiful places.
Plus, I've added you to my blogger dashboard! didn't know what one was until this morning and am quite proud of my ability to keep up with the posts on such a timely basis. - must keep ahead of my kids (facebook is so last year)
Welcome aboard, Tami! So glad to have you around....
And it's so great to have Bill around. Because if he wasn't, my blogs would be really visually boring. And I'd get way fewer compliments...
Thanks, Mistah! Nice job! As per... xxx
That sounds like such a great camping trip. I can't wait until my girls are a good age where we can take them camping. Maybe when we get back from England in 4 years.
Oh SNAP! And I"m not a camper. Something about needing to shower and wash my hair DAILY. But, if I could be guaranteed to have what you had, with or without Mose, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Twice!
Gorgeous photos, Ellie. Poor ol' Mose had to drink all that hootch all by his own bad self, hmmmm?
LOL at Tami's raisin lady comment - Hi Tami!
That looked like a nice holiday.
Gorgeous! Like Dana Wyzard, I prefer to sleep in a bed and have an adjoining bath to which to adjourn in the morning, but this photo essay makes life on the road look so romantic and spectacular and idyllic that I'm almost (almost) tempted to load up a VW van and hit the highway. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome experience
This is one of the best posts yet, Ellie, and that's saying a lot! You've got me thinking again, hard, about jumping into a Westy-double and wandering all over the country, making friends and having a good time.
I know the blog was about the lunar eclipse and the moon and all, but I think Cacti looked really great in that shot of the picnic table and the Westie (yes, ie not y)!
Another fabulous post with incredible photos. I'm living vicariously through you. Nice shot of the picnic table. I laughed out loud.
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