Oh, those poor Chargers.
Actually, when Jacquie and Bill's San Diego boy was a wee lad he called both the Chargers
and the Padres the
Clever, right?? So, of course,
we call both teams the Chardres too.
Oh, those poor Chardres.
I'm not much of a football fan; I never have been. But I grew up in a Giants household and I have sisters who are mad for the love of the game, and I have a mom who is the most fun -- bar none -- person to watch TV sports with
("Kill him!"), and my dad is the
grandaddy Jidoo of all the sports fans in my family (although
he doesn't yell
"Kill him!" at the tv screen), so I do appreciate football, I do. Especially during the playoffs.
And this weekend was no exception, although, much to my chagrin, the team I was most rooting for lost.
Oh, those poor Chardres.
So now we're down to the Final Four. Who are we possibly supposed to root for
now? Let's have a look, shall we?

Last week my sister Mary Beth emailed that she was "so sick of that fat freakin' bigmouth coach of the Jets." I couldn't agree more. He is fat and he is ugly. And he's a bigmouth. And he's really ugly. Plus, his name is Rex. And although I like the letter x, Rex is a dog's name. J-e-t-s? No.

Peyton Manning is a goober, let's face it. And Indiana takes an annoyingly long time to get through when you're trying to get to Chicago. And I think car racing is a colossal waste of time so I couldn't possibly root for anything Indianapolis-related. Colts? Not so much.

I can't really root for Brett Favre, not after what he did to my friend Jill and all her cheese-head-compatriots. ("Root" looked wrong so I looked it up. The definition is "to encourage by cheering." I love that.) Betrayed them, that's what he did, the rat bastid. But man, the guy has an arm, huh? And he's 40. I really like that about him. But still. I think of my girl Jill and I say no. Sorry Vikings. Sorry Brett
Favvvvvre. I am not going to encourage you by cheering for you.

And so. The New Orleans Saints. Magical, mystical, downbeaten, alive New Orleans. The Crescent City. Po' Boys and jazz and hurricanes (I meant the
drink but I guess that's appropriate however you look at it). Plus, their logo is the fleur-de-lis which is the stylized version of the purple iris, my
favorite flower and the symbol of Saint Joan of Arc, who is everybody's favorite badass saint. Talk about your Knight in Shining Armor.
And there we have it.
Go Saints!!
I forgot to mention the Jets' heartthrob rookie quarterback. Well, his fat freakin' bigmouth coach trumps his hearttrobness.
I'll be spending my remaining January Sunday afternoons at the movies. Screw 'em all.
YOU I will always encourage by cheering.
Those poor Chardres, indeed.
But doesn't this happen every year? They just can't seem to win in the post season, or at least, not often enough.
So here's to the fleur-de-lis
good blog subject since my Chargers..well I just don't want to write it.
my take is:
Colts should never win in the city that stole them!
Brett makes 40 look great but a Superbowl win may lead to more indecisiveness.
Not only is did those Jets take away my Charger's visctory, but sweet young Mark Sanchez helped humiliate my dear Nittany Lions in the Rose Bowl last year. I must add a personal story so that you might understand why I won't be upset if the Jets and that same quarterback win it all. A girl Beth and I grew-up with (Shannon) had an amazing nephew who LOVED the Jets. He was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago when he was 9. After a brief remission, it came back. In October, Sanchez had heard about sweet Jack and his love of the Jets and invited Jack and his parents to a game. He had Jack on the field and gave him his game jersey. He told his mom and dad that it was the greatest day of his life...and sweet Jack died the following week. I know it has a sad ending but it sure has made me a closet Mark Sanchez fan..and I'm sure Jack is more the reason that the Jets pulled out a win than anything on the field.
With that shared...I still agree with Ellie that the Saints would be a great team to bring home the Lombardi trophy.
And I'll be watching every minute of it :)
I LOVE your take on things. Here's mine.
JETS - Even having grown up outside of NY, I could not love a NY football team. Neither do my Patriot-hating cousins do anything to endear me to the team. But they have a heartthrob QB??? Tell me more!
COLTS: Pullleez. You know there is no Manning love permitted in my clan.
VIKINGS: Though I have hardly followed Favre's career, the pronunciation of his name has forever irritated me. And I studied French, too.
SAINTS: gotta love the spirit of the city of New Orleans (ugh but not that damn song), great QB name, fave team of our Koster peeps. And coincidentally, today I wore black and gold. Geaux Saints!
How can you call Peyton a goober? It's his brother Eli who is a goober. GO - oh, who cares...
Um... trying to think of something football related... nope, nothing.
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