Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Holly Jollies

It takes me at least until December hits double-digits.

It takes until we get a tree . . .

. . . and we string some lights around the house . . .

. . . and the whole family is involved.

It takes until then, but then it happens.

The moon comes up . . .

. . . and the lights are a-glowing . . .

. . . and Mistah and Westy are at the ready . . .

. . . and Bam! it hits us.

We've got the Holly Jollies.


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Ho ho ho, Holly Jolly to you, Ellie!

Your home looks terrific, and I can't wait to see a photo of that tree all decked out and lit up inside your holly jolly home.

And may I just say? Your Suby is super!


Me, You, or Ellie said...

I *love* that your two rigs and your two selves are The Family.


