We began our Re-Lo adventure, from our house in Fort Davis, Texas, where we lived for only 4 months, but were firmly ensconced, to our house in New London, Connecticicut.
We emptied the contents of this house:

No, it didn’t all fit, so we sent our beloved futon and 3 beloved stools to our beloved Fort Davis friends for safekeeping.
It still didn’t fit, so we returned 2 borrowed tables and 9 borrowed chairs to our beloved friends in Fort Davis, Marfa and Alpine.
No. Of course it STILL didn’t fit. So we donated all the thrift store junk back to the thrift store. . . and left the rest for our still-to-be-determined, but surely unsuspecting tenants.
We said goodbye to Fort Davis:
We crossed the Pecos River:
Filled up, of couse:
Yowza. I guess it's too late for "happy trails". Happy futon-shopping, maybe?
Look at the poor little Westy. Sigh. Is all of this trouble related to the work you had done here, or are the old girl's organs just starting to shut down?
I love your pretty Fort Davis rooms, the house looks so welcoming and vibrant. High five on joining the orange bathroom club.
Can't wait to hear about the next leg!
Oh my, oh my, oh my. You could have brought a lot more than the futon with you. And it sure would have made sleeping in the U-Haul a lot more comfortable.
P.S. I think the Westy's heart is broken because she's not your primary home anymore.
Obviously, you ignored my invitation entirely...didn't stop in Dallas for a margarita. I'm thinking Westy just succumbed to my mojo. Poor a little tequila and lime juice in the tank and she'll be good as new.
Unbelievable!! Poor Westie. :-(
Truly, the only thing to do is for Billy to put that suit on again. Sure to cheer things up. :-)
Yikes! So sorry to see the Westy having hard times, but something tells me she'll be back to purring in no time.
If you and Mistah Schleckah would like to stop and see old friends in H-town...give the pedal-to-the-metal's some rest...got wine?! Why yes, we do!
We're sleeping in the WESTY, Beth, not the UHaulic! We're just towing our master bedroom suite around with us now.....
AKA, sorry we missed you. AND your margies. We've been on a mission.... And sorry we missed YOU in H-town, too, Ms. H. Just moving too fast these days....
And as for YOU, Sweet Jennie, well, I'll see YOU tomorrow!!!
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