Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Party Lights

Our Christmas Tree lights are so festive this year.

They've been showing off, dancing around . . .

. . . reflecting themselves off of whatever they see.

They really do seem to be having a fabulous Christmas season.

Okay, Mistah may have something to do with it too.

I just sit and relax and read, and Mistah captures the lights dancing around the house, like so many Visions of Sugarplums . . .

. . . danging right around my head.

They do sometimes overdo it, but hey, it's Christmas.

My favorite is when they swirl around the pieces hanging on our walls. Like Dorothy's original watercolor and ink, her wedding present to us . . .

. . . and our print of Jim Tanaka's Wild Women Don't Have the Blues. Not around here, they don't.

I think when we go to bed at night our Christmas Tree lights take over the house, pour themselves glasses of wine, and start their nightly bacchanal . . . swirling . . .

. . . twirling . . . dancing . . .

. . . generally carrying on and having themselves a grand ol' time.

Our Christmas Tree lights know how to party.


Anonymous said...

Your tree, like its hosts, is perfect. I know you're only up the street, but I miss you.



Logical Libby said...

I love the lights on the tree. I give myself headaches every year blurring my vision to make it look at pretty...

Mom C said...

Your Christmas tree has been starring on the blog for weeks, as it should, it's so beautiful! mom

Kathi D said...

Wooooo! Trippy!

Paul Cronin said...

The progression of shots is great. Loved the increasing insanity as I scrolled down. Merry Christmas Ellie!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Oh I've always loved increasing insanity.

Merry Christmas to you, too, Pablo Jose!


Springer Kneeblood said...

I think Pablo was onto something when he said "the progression of shots." That's the way colored lights look to me, too, after a progression of shots. Speaking of shots, can I bring you and Mistah anything from Mexico, Ellie?

Me, You, or Ellie said...

That is some wild, wacky stuff! I have to concur about the shots, or perhaps our little Schlekah has finally gone 'round the bend!

I love how much you love your tree, Ellie!


Imperatrix said...

Some of those look like hieroglyphics! I like how your tree dives headfirst into a glass of wine.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Holy shit, Ellie! That last shot is crazy!!! It looks as though the tree is about to burst into flames.

And just admit it -- you LOVE Christmas:-)
