Wednesday, January 28, 2015


A couple of days ago, I went back to Rome.

I know, I know. Not really. But in my head? It was so great to be there.

I've been missing my mom and suffering from severe wanderlust lately.

I uploaded some photos from the posts I shared about our days in Rome,  (one two three), and they were automatically organized alphabetically. Why not?  At least 2 of my 3 followers are snowed in today, and I think they'll enjoy this nostalgiche, si?



Me, You, or Ellie said...

Look atchyaselves! Both so gorgeous and lovely. Bellisimas.

Beautiful photos. Beautiful Rome. And not even a little bit of snow.



Beth said...

Love this glance back at Rome!

And I feel your wanderlust pain.


mom c said...

Such beautiful photos, and no-one is wearing parkas and hoods and snow boots! ( just your lovely Italian boots).. love this, miss you so much.... love, mom

MB said...

Aw, I've never been to Rome but I feel like I just visited there with you & Mom! xo