Friday, September 12, 2014

The Best Seat in Rhode Island

I had a birthday last weekend and Mistah and I had ourselves A Time.

Why wouldn't we?

We took ol' Westy out to Rhode Island to a campground with a lot more peeps around than this photo shows . . .

We had a lake . . .

. . . but we headed straight to the beach with our New London grinders.

. . . It was like July in September . . .

. . . and we watched ferries were sister-cousins to our ferries, but not our ferries . . .

. . . and then Mistah Schleckah took approximately 7,438 photos of me on the beach.

Seriously. There are 7,433 more of them.

And THEN, we went out for food and drink . . .

. . . of course we did.

Why wouldn't we?

We were celebrating.

Not only did I turn 51 . . .

. . . not only did we eat great food and drink fabulous cocktails . . .

. . . but we had The Best Seat in Rhode Island.


mom said...

Beautiful Ellie......xoxo mom

Beth said...

Wow, excellent birthday! You are a beauty, Ellie. No wonder Mistah took 7,438 photos of you!

And that scarf? Ah-may-zing! And that best seat in rhode island? equally ah-may-zing ;)


Jane Corey Holt said...

beautiful beautiful beautiful.

Lisa S said...

51 looks great on you, Ellie! Miss you.

Central PA said...

of course you had drinks and was the 30th anniversary of your 21st birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

You are a gorgeous and lovely specimen of human. Has anyone ever told you that before? You really are. Come here.
