Thursday, December 28, 2017

chilly scenes from winter...

... hahaha just kidding - it's 75 degrees out and I'm sweating in a tank top. Sorry, suckers!

It's been a delightful week of Christmas and staycation and friends and food and fun, and I want to get right back into it so please indulge the following most lazy and maddeningly incomplete phone dump of some favorite moments.

well, shit. my laptop is speaking in tongues when I plug the phone in to download photos. Ain't nobody got time for dat. Sorry, here's some *other* photos of *other* things:


checking it twice

I've been sitting here for a good 10 minutes trying to think of a clever way to introduce my kids' Christmas lists. I don't think they made lists last year, we were much too focused on packing for Hawaii. It was last year when we first started dropping hints that Santa often went light for kids who had great travel plans. Don't ask me to explain, it's magic! The year before that, though, in 2008, my boy presented an epic list that made blog history.

Go ahead, take a little remember, I'll wait:

My boy's 2008 Christmas list


This year, we've once again been quietly promoting a less is moreattitude. Christmas is different this year. They feel it, too. We'll also be away from home on the day itself, which presents the perfect opportunity to create new traditions that overshadow the logistical challenges facing poor Santa. Don't even start with me about Santa. I will hold my ground as long as there is breath in my body.

Despite the understanding that we're keeping it modest, I encouraged my kids to make their lists as usual, ignoring their attempts at conspiratorial winks and knowing glances. "Ask Santa for whatever you want," I insist, "just don't expect to get it."            

New traditions, perhaps... right alongside the legacy of awesomeness:

1 comment:

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Pants *or* shorts? Both or either of the "sunshine" variety?

"New" deodorant?

"Fake" mustaches?

New bedding "without" holes?

ALL da pies?

Demanding kids, those two.


Merry New Year, you.
