Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Have you ever noticed how certain dates or certain weeks are weighted more heavily than others?

In my experience there will be four or five days of the year that it seems everything is going on at once. You now, that Friday night in May that you’ve been invited to two parties, plus your favorite band is in town, your kids’ school performance is that afternoon, and it’s also one of the few after work happy hours of the year?

Why is that?

It would be so much more convenient if everyone would just spread the fun out. Why don’t people confer with you first, you longingly wonder.

If you’re like me, you end up attempting to do three of the five activities -- typically way too much, and then wake up the next morning chastising yourself for not being more decisive. Two would have been pushing it, but you just don’t want to miss out on the fun.

I’ve noticed that this week is kind-of similar, but in a bit of a different way. This week is vacation week for what seems like everyone I know. It’s almost eerie. It seems that everyone I love has decided to go out of town at the same time. Why this week? And why didn’t I get the memo?

Okay, so I can’t go anywhere this week anyway, but it’s almost creepy to realize that no one is around. I’ve got friends and family spread far and wide, from the Poconos, to Catalina Island, to Hawaii, to Nashville, to Mammoth Lakes, and way beyond.

I think there should be some sort of name for this phenomena. A word to describe a timeframe that is overloaded, over ripe with possibilities, overflowing with opportunity.

Nexus? Critical juncture? Way-too-much-shit-going-on-at-once?

Got any?


Anonymous said...

I thought it was called "Christmas", but I guess there are other times of the year this could happen, too. Still, I think it should be a word that ends is "mas" (or mass -- as in lots of stuff, not as in RC holy mass). Like maybe "agendamas" or even just "daymas" or "weekmas"... I don't know. I'll work on it.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

I think it's called "summer vacation"! We miss you Beth, hope all is well with the wee lass


not on vacation said...

I'd be happy to take my vacation and come to San Diego to entertain you while all the others have left you behind :)
that's just the kind of friend that I am!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Every day feels like that around here. I've already rescheduled paddleboating twice. How's a girl supposed to keep up?

When everyone gets back, Beth, what a treat you'll have for them!
