Friday, April 15, 2011

The joy of air travel

I made it home, just now. Boy, am I tired. And cold. I took a red-eye flight for the first time in years -- and very quickly remembered why I avoid them at all costs. Sleeping sitting up is not one of strong points. In fact I pretty much suck at it.

And speaking of at all costs....did you know you now have to pay for one of those thin, small almost useless airplane balankets?!

Seriously, when is the airline gouging going to stop? $25 for my checked bag, no peanuts offered with the still-free water, and $8 for a blanket. I'm betting by next April even the water will cost a few bucks. But not in cash, of course.

More to come on my Hawaiian adventure next week, but now? Now I crawl into bed and dream of free pretzels and pillows...


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Welcome home, Beth! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Red eye flights suck, but I do find it easier to power through the jet lag when I miss a night of sleep. Thanks for bringing the gorgeous weather back with you - tomorrow's got westy beach day written all over it!



Me, You, or Ellie said...

Wait, they charge you $8 for a pillow? You have GOT to be kidding me. I did not know that, honestly.

I'm aghast.

Um, does that mean they stopped giving away free booze?
