Thursday, May 23, 2013

The long(est) weekend

I was feeling pretty good today. A bit guilty that my moving-related tasks were keeping me from my day job for so many hours of today, but pretty accomplished nonetheless.

The floor guys are done. They came back for a quick touch-up today, but are now done. Mario, who is painting, is making good progress. I met with someone about making some built-ins in daughter 2's room, and the washer and dryer were delivered and seem to work fine.

After all this I even had time to double back home to grab a bathing suit for daughter 3, which I had forgotten at my current home, and then drive to my ex-husband's house to pick up softball gear for daughter 2 before meeting my mom and daughters 1 & 2 at daughter 3's preschool (Hi Jacquie!).

We then even dropped off daughter 1 at tutoring on time, and got daughter 2 to softball practice also on time, and daughter 3 to her swimming lesson only 1 minute late. Post-lesson, we retrieved daughter 1 from tutoring, then grabbed sandwiches at a local sub shop, because, well, I've packed every pot and pan, and will not be cooking for the next week or so. We then grab daughter 2, everyone is fed, and it's all down hill from here, right?

Right, except that daughter 3 is not going to sleep, and daughter 2 has softball gear that cannot go without washing, and daughter 1 just open the freezer and an entire water bottle that daughter 2 had shoved in there crashes to the floor, busts open and creates an immediate lake.

Where are the damn towels? Oh, yes, packed away. Shit, is it seeping into those packed cardboard boxes? F*@k

Oh look, daughter 3 is up again.

You get the point, right? It's tedious, I know. But you know the best part? Between now and when the moving van actually gets here, every day is like this, but busier. You probably think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. There's a doctor appointment, a field trip, a movie-night at school, an extra day that preschool is closed, all in addition to the regul..

If you'll excuse me for a second, daughter 1 just came in to tell me her stomach hurts and she needs a Tums. Let me run and get that real quick-like.

Now, what was I saying?

Oh yeah, let me get to the point.....

If we make it into our new home on Tuesday, I should get some kind-of endurance award. Even if I do yell through most of the upcoming long(est) weekend.

Micky better look out, cause I'm in no mood for any mousy-business. Oh, yeah, I think I forget to mention we leave at 6:30 am on Saturday for Disneyland. What's that you say? It's memorial day weekend, so what kind of psycho would be headed to the most crowded happiest place on earth this particular weekend?

Oh, we would. We would because we've got a dance competition to attend. At Disneyland. On memorial day weekend. Daughter 1 performs both Saturday and Sunday.

No, I'm not making this shit up.

But hey, it's not all bad, this did just pop up on my "Disneyland" Google search:

Disneyland Bars - Top 25 drinks


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Oh, I love that. *I* need a drink at one of the Top 25 bars in Disneyland, just *reading* about your life. Mine is really quite, quite different.

Corragio, g-friend.


Pat said...

Makes me tired just reading about it...but I am with you all the way and Tueday night will come and then you get to undo all those boxes!
Love, your traveling companion

Overwhelmed by a Puppy in Central PA said...

yep, you exhausted me and I'm only reading this, not living it.
have fun. good luck. congrats on the move and head over to Happy Valley anytime!