Good idea, Mistah.
So, as the coffee is brewing in the background, providing inspiration, tell us: What's your coffee rap in the mornings? Grind it or pre-ground? Drip or french press? Starbucks or Folgers? Photos? You betcha.
Traveling around the country for years in our Westy, we always used a french press. I woke up first, boiled water on our propane stove (too cold to go out and take a photo), poured it over the grinds, made the plunge, and sent a cuppa "upstairs" to Mistah, to
We were in Jensen Beach, Florida a few years ago, staying with our friends Kirk and Suzanne, and our friend Norm just moved into their trailer village. He was cleaning out his new trailer and threw away a Mistah Coffee coffee maker, the kind that screws in under a counter.
We pulled it right out of the garbage can, brought it right down to the Keys, and instantly had a coffee maker that not only used the state park's electricity, instead of our own propane, but became our alarm clock. We set it up at night, and the smell and the sound - right beneath our bed - was the most wonderful way to wake up every morning.
This morning? A 3-way blend. Yirgacheffe beans from Bean & Leaf in New London, Cafe Molido Santo Domingo ground coffee from the DR, via My Girl Nancy, and Cafe Najjar from Brazil, via Saeed's, our local Lebanese market.
And I think it’s ready.
I'm pretty sure this is going to disappoint you, Ellie. I don't drink coffee. I don't much care for the stuff. Yeah, yeah, it's pure craziness, I'm really missing out on one of life's simple pleasures, it's not natural, blah, blah, blah. I've heard it all before.
For a long time I didn't care for any hot drinks. I was never even a big fan of hot chocolate when I was younger. It's strange, really, considering I'm always cold. You'd think I would always have a cup of joe, or tea, or cocoa between my hands to keep them warm, and to heat me up from the inside out. But I don't. Actually I do drink tea on a semi-regular basis now, at least when it's cool outside. I favor decaf green tea with lemongrass, all manner of mint teas, and also like the various red teas. All of which are decaf.
You see, I don't do caffeine. I used to though. I used to have a Mountain Dew addiction. (Can you say disgusting????) I would get a big bottle in the morning, drink it down, then my 10:30 AM or so, my hands would be shaking like someone in rehab and I'd feel shaky and faint. I'd have to immediately eat or get more dew. It was awful, and I finally decided to just give the junk up.
I do love me some coffee ice cream though....
Ohhhhhh, coffee. The love of my life.
I started drinking coffee in high school, I had a Dunkin Donuts travel mug that slid on to a little receptacle disc on the dashboard of my blue Pacer. For many, many years I drank my coffee hot, strong and black (like my men). I believe the inspiration behind my transformation to au lait came when I was pregnant with my first child, and whining to my sister Jane about how how my baby was certain to have spaghetti noodles for bones because I just could not choke down the disgustingly recommended milk. Jane said, and I quote: “I’ve got two words for you: LAH- TAY” That very day I walked to the coffee cart and ordered my first latte. The rest, as they say, is history.
My Bill also makes the coffee in this joint. Like Ellie and her Mistah, it’s a fair trade for them to make coffee while we do, you know, everything else. So he makes the morning pot, we buy the big bags of Starbucks beans at Costco and grind them.
On a rare stay home morning like today, I pour the milk into my mug – which incidentally must have a handle large enough for 4 fingers to fit through – give it a little hit with my handheld frother, then zap it in the microwave before pouring the coffee on top. On work days, I leave the milk cold so the coffee more quickly reaches the perfect temperature for gulping. I take my second cup on the road, and am really trying to break my horrible disposable cup habit by using a commuter mug. The problem that I used to have was that the cup grew mold on my desk, but now that I’ve gotten into the habit of washing it right away, the problem is remembering to bring it home.
I just got myself ... er ... my husband a Keurig for Christmas. you know, one of those things that you put the individual packet in? because I drink decaf and he drinks regular. This way, we don't have to brew a whole pot of each. Bonus: Each of us can have our own teas, hot chocolates, etc. It's the greatest thing ever!
I'm sort of in the Beth camp. I've always wanted to love coffee like the rest of the world, but I hate the taste of it and it actually makes me feel ill all day after just one sip in the morning. I've tried it in a whole variety of ways, too -- that's how much I want to like it. And hot chocolate? Blech and Hurl. But tea? Ah, tea. I love all sorts of teas. Why don't you do a blog post about tea?
We grind our own, either Starbucks breakfast blend, or Mills brand from our local grocery store. Cannot start our mornings without it.... and I add flavored Coffeemate creamer to mine, which probably accounts for the 20 extra pounds I am now carrying around my hips.. bleh.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I love freshly brewed, very dark and strong coffee. I buy very dark roasted beans from a local grocery or, in a pinch, from Starbucks. I grind the beans almost to a powder, then let the Krups drip coffemaker do its thing. I only do this on weekends, thanks to the cost of my favorite beans.
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