Monday, April 2, 2012

Roofie-Roof, Redux

Where were we?

Ah yes. The dawn of Day 3:

You see those clouds up there?

That's foreshadowing.

Because although it looks like we've got nuthin' but blue skies on Wednesday morning, well, don't let that blue sky fool you for one second.

In the meantime, though, a gigantic truck showed up and used its long octopus arm to deliver the shingles up to the boys . . .

. . . while I wandered around looking at the cool patterns the cords and tubes and hoses made on the grass.

We told the boys they were welcome to put their boombox on the Leaning Table of New London, 
but that it might be the proverbial straw.

Thanks for the table, Tommy and Dawnie. It served us well . . .  

And then the shingling started.

But wait! This is New England, and this is March. My friend Martha emailed me that afternoon an update from the local paper:

Ellie, foreshadowing for next blog… I thought about posting it as a comment but [excuse me for this, can’t help myself] I didn’t want to steal your thunder!
Rain and thunder arrive in area
Published 03/28/2012 12:00 AM
Updated 03/28/2012 01:18 PM

Rain and thunder have arrived in the New London area, and the National Weather Service says isolated thunderstorms and showers will continue across the region through 3 p.m.

Heavy rain and gusty winds along with occasional lightning strikes could come with this storm, the weather service said.

Thunderstorms. With occasional lightning strikes, people.

Our boys were on aluminum ladders.

I was at work absolutely writhing with worry and concern about our little friends on said aluminum ladders being smote and dead bodies littering our modest yard . . .

When I got home that afternoon I marveled at all the progress they had made . . . 

. . . and was absolutely delighted that not only was the crew long gone, there were no dead bodies in the yard. Zero. Not one.

And yeah, blue skies.

And then? Day 4.

In the morning the boys started plywooding the north side.

You could see clear through those old wooden slats.

And when I got home that afternoon . . .

. . . well, it just does not get any better than this.

We have the best roofers in the world.

In the entire Universe.

And the north side? All plywood- and polystyrened-up.

And finally. Friday. Day 5.

Just look at Eric go.

He's a total badass.


And the north side? Prepped and ready. The radio on the chimney is my very favorite thing.

I walked to work, as per, and when I got home that afternoon, just look what greeted me:

Yes! The radio still on the roof!

And one mighty-fine piece of workmanship, right there.

They were almost done with the north side. Almost. So close . . .

But they couldn't quite finish.

And Saturday? Well, the forecast was for rain and snow. Which was perfect, really. Monday: wind. Tuesday: cold. Wednesday: thunder and lightning. Why wouldn't it snow too?

So we agreed they'd finish the job on Monday -- today! -- but in the meantime, there was the issue of the cooler full of icy cold Bud and Bud Light. And Mistah and I certainly weren't going to drink that swill* ourselves.

*That morning I said to the boys as I left for work: 
"I've got beer on ice for this afternoon."
"What kind?"
"What kind?"
"Yeah, what kind."
"Becks and Bud."
"I like Bud Light."
"Dude? I'm getting you Bud Light."

So we had ourselves an Almost-Finished-The-Roof Party . . .

. . . an Oh-So-Close-To-Being-Done Party.

And today? Well, I'm holding the nail-gun-air-compressor and ladders hostage until they return.


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Wow, now *that* (photo 13) is some serious butt crack, some prime roofers butt!

I know, very mature of me, but it's just so high up but yet still so visible! Very impressive.

As is the roof, too, of course.

Can't wait to witness the totally-finished-the-roof party!


impressed with the moon and the roof in PA said...

I'm with Beth..impressive! :)

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Dude, congrats on your new lid! That's something to celebrate.. mostly because it costs so much money, but it's also *very* grown up to buy a whole roof. Kudos!

I adore the leaning table of new london. Fave.



ps: my captcha is "ursond iciet"

wt freaking f?

Eugene Caul said...

Well, the end result certainly looks a lot different from what it looked like before! It’s been a lot of work, and you guys deserve to celebrate for a job well done. Congrats on your new roof!

Kermit Lukacs said...

It seemed like a very bright day to start things out! It is better that you were able to have the roof repaired before anything got more serious. And, your action shots should lend the perception that dealing with roofs isn't easy at all. Good thing that they (the workers) were wearing safety gear that time. Congratulations on the new roof!

[Kermit Lukacs]

Anonymous said...

What’s nice here is how the workers managed to do their job when the clear blue sky was giving them enough time. Kermit here is right. You have repaired your roof right on time. It looks so pretty and you had a lot of time posting these pictures here that greatly give you the right to party! Congratulations!

Brook Daily

Unknown said...

Great work by the contractors. Your house really benefitted from their expertise and dedication to finish the job while the sun was still shining. I'd say they deserved that drink. Cheers!

Nelson Mcglaughlin @