Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Steve Fest

Friday night was a Love Fest for our ol' friend Steve.

This town was reeling from such a huge loss, but this town did what it does best: rally, organize, get together, raise money, and play music. And drink a lot.

All the stars came out that day and night . . .

. . . from near and far.

I was on beer cooler duty for the musicians. I know! That is how important and trustworthy I am.

Important. And Trustworthy.

People manned and womanned their stations and worked for hours and hours and hours for the cause.

Dibble Fraternal Love.

Kat and her Girl . . .

. . . and Kat and her Man and her Girl . . .

. . . oh how I adore this photo.

The stage was set . . .

. . . the friends were in the house . . .

. . . and the peeps poured in. Met by Bruce selling raffle tickets.

Oh, an awful lot of this went on that evening.





And some seriously kick-ass raffle loot.

But mostly, it was about the music.

It was an incredible night. And best of all, tens of thousands of dollars were raised for Steve's family, by the most generous, thoughtful, devoted, loyal and enthusiastic group of peeps you'd ever want to meet.

Rave On, Steve.


Dawnie said...

Beautiful, Ellie. The peeps weep.

Rich Martin said...

Thanks, Ellie! Well done. What a night, what a community!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Lovely, Ellie, lovely.

"And best of all, tens of thousands of dollars were raised for Steve's family, by the most generous, thoughtful, devoted, loyal and enthusiastic group of peeps you'd ever want to meet."

Rave on, indeed.


Mr.Dibs said...

The peeps weep, indeed. Even at work.