Wednesday, April 30, 2014

high and low

I went to the grocery store after the gym after work yesterday. By the time I got everything put away at home, it was almost 9pm and everyone had already eaten. This morning on the drive to school, I listed the three options my kids had for dinner tonight: 1. london broil, 2. burgers, 3. pollo asada.

My boy responded first: "Can we go out to dinner?"
Then my girl: "I'm full from breakfast."

Not helpful.

I love stocking the fridge with new foods almost as much as I love purging the fridge of old foods. Both are cathartic and necessary. I enjoy making dinner, but our timing is way off at this particular juncture. Everyone gets home way before me, and is starving and pigs out. By the time I work out, get home, prepare food and get everyone to the table, it's practically bedtime.

Having dinner together most nights is important to us, though, so we persist. I do wish the preparation to inhalation ratio could be improved, but we have our methods of keeping everyone at the table for a minimally acceptable period of time.

There's always high point/low point.

We used to talk about this frequently in the days of weekend 3-ways, remember? Get your mind out of the gutter, they were group posts.

High point/low point is a good practice, though. Let me do one for today, which will have been yesterday by the time you read this:

high point: I had a great performance review today, and planted a seed for some upcoming international travel.
(pro tips: no one is allowed to say "this meal" as their high point, even if it is. No one is allowed to pass, even if your day totally sucked. You have to find the highest low point aka your least sucky point. You can only say one high point)

low point: My last (overstuffed) lettuce wrap could not be contained by a mere leaf and literally imploded, and a sesame flavored mess descended upon my pretty dress.

Yeah, we ate out.  It was 900 degrees in my house and there was a brush fire near by. Sue me.

What's your high point/low point?


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Remember that day when my low point was getting out of bed that morning, and my high point was going to bed that night? That was awesome.

My high point today -- so far -- was getting a ride home in the rain to preserve my Jennie hair-do.

My low point -- so far -- is said rain.

But May is tomorrow! And everybody knows April showers are over on April 30. Boy oh boy are the May flowers going to be spectacular around here this year.

Nice one, Littlest!


High/Low from Central PA said...

I'm will Ellie on the weather low point, although it's a close tie with what was found when we pulled up the decades old carpet in child #2's bedroom.
High point today: email from my sister-in-law who is deployed in Afghanistan. (which always reminds me that my lows really aren't so low)

Eric said...

High point - Good lunch with Melissa at Elbow room, laughing at the server

Low point - Trying to get my contact to feel normal this morning for 5 minutes

Beth said...

Damn, low point was my very wordy comment just being lost to an "unexpected error."

High point is if that is Mr. Flores posting a comment to MY&E ;) If not it was visit to gorgeous yoga studio in Philly this morning with amazing 6th floor view of old, old church across the street.

Nice post, J!


Lisa S said...

Am I the only one who wants to know what was under the carpet in Central PA?

Beth said...

No, I am curious too, Lisa! What WAS under the carpet, Dot???