Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I've had the girls more than usual lately, making up for the extra days away while in Bali. Totally worth it, and of course I love to be with my girls. But spring is especially busy. I am starting to feel as though I'm operating purely in survival mode. Coordinating how to get all three kids where they need to be for their various activities gets tricky with both softball and dance competition season in full swing. Between extra practices, additional tournaments, birthday parties, school projects and a week off of school for spring break, it's been a lot to coordinate. (Thanks mom for all the help.)

Now, it may sound like I'm complaining a bit? Or lamenting my never-ending motherly demands? It may even sound like I'm insinuating something like: Motherhood: The Big Fat Fuck You!

But, I am not.

Because here is the thing......just when you want to pull your hair out because you get a phone call when you have just arrived at home, a mere 2 hours after leaving work to start the afternoon chauffeur process, informing you that, "Oops, I forgot my dance bag when you dropped me at dance." Omfg, really? You didn't grab your dance bag out of the trunk for your dance classes when I dropped you off at the dance studio? And you positively must have it ASAP because it has both your ballet and tap shoes!? Yes, yes, of course, let me get everyone right back into the car, right now, and head back out into rush hour traffic. (True motherfucking story.)

But I digress....I was saying that regardless of the endless domestic crises, such as the one described above, there are moments that make it all so, so worth it.  And I'm not talking about teary graduations or sappy mothers day cards or when your sleepy preschooler falls asleep using your hand like a Teddy bear. (Although these are great too.)

No, I'm talking about moments like the one I had tonight.

I was putting my daughter's newly washed softball pants and sliding shorts into her softball bag, this giant one that sits right in our entryway, way too much of the time. As I was trying to make some space in there for the clean duds...

 I found this.

In her softball bag.

I kid you not.

I mean c'mon....does she read it in the dugout? Does she yell out Hebrew slurs at the ump? Is she planning to run away to Israel?

I'm really not sure. But it sure did make me shake my head in wonder. You just never know what you are going to get...


Me, You, or Ellie said...

That is awesome, but everybody knows it's Yiddish that's got all the great swearwords......

She's one of a kind, that Ms. M. Love her.

And I'm still waiting to see what's in the dance bag.


Pat said...

Wow...I didn't even know she knew about Hebrew!
Shalom, Pat

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Hilarious! What the heck? Did you ask her? love that kid.


Beth said...

I thought she might have lifted the phrase book from your house, mom? And no, J, I've not asked her yet, but am VERY much looking forward to it.

And Ellie, the dance bag is full of stinky old socks and even more foul-smelling jazz shoes and discarded junk food wrappers. It's a mess.