Sailfest was a spectacular time, and way too much fun to be contained in one measly blog post.


And we continued downtown, all weekend long.
The throngs.
Jennie and Dawnie, conferring.
Miss Daphne.
It was Sailfest, after all.
A ferry passing through.
Training (ha!) at Ocean Beach on Saturday.
Sailfest would not be Sailfest without Ledgie.
I was extra-exuberant on Saturday night, having earlier hit my first-ever homerun at Champagne Park.

Downtown, in the thick of it.
The magical path to the roofdeck . . .
. . . and the magical boom-booms.
MB and Mark, in wonderland.

(We would have photos of the killer breakfast I made Sunday morning, but the camera -- and Mistah's backpack -- spent the night at the Tavern. Some inanimate objects know how to have all the fun.)

A homerun you say?!? Well congratulations, Ellie.
Seeing as it happened when you all were festering, it didn't seem to get quite the attention it deserved...
Great photos, Ellie & Bill! That was such a fun Fest. It took me a minute to understand my "consistency" comment. Then I saw my middle finger...
Thanks for a great time in New London,
Home run? Nice.
I'm glad you threw in that beachy photo, otherwise this would look suspiciously like pubfest
Ah, that's hilarious! I could not figure out what made MB consistent, except that she's consistently adorable!
Can't wait to see you hosendorks.
You make me want to be there too.
Carlos is not the only one who belongs back in New London! Envious.
It was one of the best SailFest's I've been too. Great people all around. Any Sunday spent on a deck over looking the music + Thames, drinking mimosas with great friends, and eating beef jerky + Thai food is a GREAT Sunday in my book!
Don't forget the 17 vodka/grapefruits: *my* personal new favorite drink.
A homerun? Nice! Looks like another great time.
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