We had a neighborhood
yard sale on Saturday. Also known as a
tag sale, a
garage sale, and in Far West Texas, a
carport sale. All the houses on our dead end street put their
crap wares out for the taking.

It was very busy and very festive. (
Me, I just sat on the steps and read the paper.)
You know what they say about Yard Sales. Something for everyone.

At our house? Mistah sold books.
Lots of books.

Tons of books.

Miles of books.

He also made a lot of friends. He gave a guy he knows a beer from our keg (it was a
very festive day), and he gave an older woman he
picked up met a seat in our Westy. Wait a minute . . .

. . . apparently he
also gave her a free hot dog.

Our neighbor Ron was selling a giant mirror. You know how
that works. Makes the whole
street look bigger.

And oh, the fun you can have . . .

. . . taking ass-backwards photos.

Later in the day our friend Jill organized the books into 2 neat columns.

Because that's what Jill has to do. Make order out of chaos.

The charcoal grill was roaring, blowing smoke everywhere, Mister Dibble protected himself from the elements, and we all had a grand time.
Because you know what they say about Yard Sales.
There's something for everyone.
Had I known of the massive book selection, I might have come to the sale.
Me too. And that World Wrestling Federation hat. Tell me you bought it!?
All I can see in the first mirror picture is an oddly placed potty chair. And .... could it be some sort of matching toddler IV bag/pole contraption? Odd. Hope you bought it.
I loathe yard sales. Remember when we had one here, and the kids kept trying to buy back their shit, and we had drinkie poos lying in the toddler bed that I deemed no guest worthy of buying? Good times.
Nice yard sale! I love how that mirror made the street larger -- it probably wasn't even a dead end any more.
As usual, you guys managed to make the mundane into the magnificent.
What a great time it looks like you had.
Did he offer her mustard on her hotdog??
The Blue Ridge Gal
I have had this idea which I have never been able to sell. Once a year, everybody on the street puts out all the stuff they don't want, and it all moves one house down. So you get rid of your old crap and have new crap which was formerly someone's old crap.
Captain, that WWF hat was at my table; not exactly sure how it came into our possession, but I think it had to do with a friend/houseguest in the cable TV industry. It capped our longhorn skull in the living room for a few years, just over Mr. Peanut, who sat in the jaw bone... anyway, some guy came down Bill & Ellie's street Saturday morning, picked it right up and plunked down the asking price, no bargaining whatsoever. No question, he liked it. I think it went for 50 cents.
It is too bad I could not come shop through your books, I am running low.
Is that a tiny little strapless brassiere that Mistah is wearing over his eyes?
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